Nekehia Quashie

Global Comparative

Motivated by global changes in the demographic composition and structure of families, as well as the increasing prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases in ageing societies, much of my current and future research focuses on cross-national comparisons in two areas:

  1. Family Resources: Examining the health and well-being consequences of ageing with smaller kin networks across different welfare systems, and
  2. Health Conditions and Needs: The prevalence of chronic conditions and unmet health needs, and their associations with mental and physical health of older adults. This research strand focuses on older adults within low- and middle-income countries.

Select Publications

Less is (Often) More: Number of Children and Health Among Older Adults in 24 Countries.

Childlessness and health among older adults: Variation across five outcomes and 20 countries.

Read a summary.

Wealth inequalities in physical and cognitive impairments across Japan and Europe: the role of health expenditure and infrastructure.

Prevalence of angina and co-morbid conditions among older adults in six low- and middle-income countries: Evidence from SAGE Wave 1.